Monday, August 15, 2005
As time goes by, from a gentle little sweet flower turned into a buzzing bee. Little did I ever expect that I will become naggy like other girls. I thought I will be the exception case, however not. Perhaps, all girls are the same, thinking that they have this kind of special ability to turn their boyfriends into obedient dogs.
As time goes by, I begin to realise the reason why we always ended up barking at each other. People say, In a relationship, there is no right or wrong, no winner or loser. But I say, you'll need alot of energy and time because after each quarrel, you will end up in exhaustion, exhausting physically, mentally.
As time goes by, the more we quarrel, the more I realized how deep is my love for you. It can never ever be measured - A Precious Love. Yes, I admit that I couldn't accept the true when you can't provide more time and love for me, due to circumstances. I always had this little thinking twinky that telling me you are not trying hard enough to fight for you freedom, end up giving me too much freedom. I seriously believe what people always said Woman will let their thinking run wild should they have too much freedom. Perhaps, all these little thinkings are under the Psychology of Feminine.
As times goes by, I became scared. Afraid. Afraid of what I've hope for end up didn't came true. I tried my best not to think too much. But it just counldn't help when I saw parents in a fight, mum end up losing. I know, and I'm sure of one thing. I made a promise that is never ever end up the losing party if I should be in the right position.
As time goes by, I began to lose faith in realationship for I never ever understand what makes a love last till the end of a courtship and enters a marriage. People say Marriage is the tomb of love. I agreed. Unless I can chance upon a realationship that prove me wrong.
As time goes by, our relationship might turn blend at times. It is normal, I know. However, I just couldn't stop my mind from flowing back to the days we started dating. It was so great! I love being tender, care by the one I love. He treats me very good that time. Alot of sweet honey words into my ears, who will reject? Because I never been sweet to him when we were friends, so when I suddenly changed for him, he was surprised, touched, love me even more, thats when all the sweet talks came in, I thought.
As time goes by, I realized that this time, I was in serious relationship that I longed for. Yes, I found the one I love. And I hope that nothing gone wrong somewhere along the path till we enters a new chapter.
posted @ 5:17 PM