7 kind of love, Form 7 kind of feeling, Each generating 7 kind of hugs, Each giving 7 different kind of kisses, 7 kind of happiness, 7 kind of enjoyment, 7 kind of sweetness. Together creating a sevenly taste. I love you seven eleven.


Once a stranger,
You lit up my dim life since our live engaged.
Happiness filled my life for the past half a year.
We got the love so true that everyone dream about.


Half from prefect,
Half away from zero.
Half nearer to perfect,
Half further from nothing.
Perfect for love,
Perfect for you,
Perfect for me.
I love you perfectly.


For you, For me, For us, For Love.
Falling in love Forever.
For the happy first four month and for the many happy times ahead.
Dear dear love you forever.


The moment you step onto the bus,
My heart hurts like a cut.
My heart long to be with you,
Creating the misery of missing you.


High into the sky, clouds are form.
Millions vapours each carrying a message.
Clouds move along the high sky looking for the special one.
Once found, it releases it raindrops.
Each raindrops represents how much I love u.


Walking to the side of your bed, cover the blanket.
Looking into your sleepy eyes, give you a smile.
Bending down to whisper 'I Love You', end with a kiss.


Try to sleep now, close your eyes.
Try to think of tomorrow.
All the stars wish you good night,
So I'm switching off the lights.
One more hug, one more kiss.
Kiss you once, kiss you twice.
I will be here for you awhile,
Try to sleep now and close your eyes.


When I close my eyes and listen to your voice,
I feel like I have always wanted hug and love you.
You're an angel from heaven,
Touching and loving me by all your love.
All problems seem to disappear when I'm with you.
You're the only one I need,
I love you for what you are,
and for the way I feel when I'm with you.


* _Dear beloved dairy, . . . . .
* _i've been missing a boy so much day after day . . . .
* _i've also dream of him everyday . . . .
* _when'eva i saw him, mt heart gonna drop out . . . .
* _do this . . . . counted as . . . . love

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